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Mega scan pro 2020 in United Arab Emirates Private

hace 4 años Services Abilene   406 vista
Ubicación: Abilene
Precio: $ --

Metal Detector | Mega ScanPro 2020 for sale

Mega Scan Pro 2020 is thelatest version of the best gold & metal detector device, the most reliableand powerful feature that offers more programs, better performance and greaterdepth to deliver an all in one device for all the needs of gold prospectors andtreasure hunters worldwide.

The new Mega Scan Procombines the best advanced German technology to detect precious metals such asgold, silver, and copper from Mega Locators, Germany's leading company in thefield of gold detectors and metal detectors devices.

Mega Scan Pro metal thedetector can be used as a multi-purpose device because it is including threesearch systems within a single device, providing the possibility to detect allkinds of precious metals such as silver, copper, bronze, and platinum, buriedgold treasures, raw natural gold ore and underground spaces such as cavities,tunnels, hidden rooms, and others.


For more details visitthis link:

web: https://www.goldendetector.com/en/mega-scan-pro-mega-locators

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ouraddress on map: https://goo.gl/maps/S2HsTUdBVC1y6zAx7

Order your device now bycontact with us via following contacts:


Mobile2: 00971503380055

Phone: 0097126584321

Gold and metal detectors

Mega Scan Pro Best GoldDetector

Long-Rang Locators Systems