hace 2 años - Services - Sunrise Manor - 469 vistaLorenz Deepmax Z1 Metal Detector
The latest technology in the world of prospecting andexploration and the search for gold and treasures
The new system is characterized by its superior ability todiscover raw gold and minerals of the smallest sizes with the feature of directimaging through the accurate analytical program to clarify all the minerals andvoids that the device detects with the feature of determining the depth and GPStracking system
Golden DetectorFor Gold & Metal Detectors
In addition to the automatic calibration feature of theground to ensure that the device is not affected by any interference caused bywet soil, mineral rocks, or hard lands
The device works with the PULS INDUCTION frequency system.It is characterized by penetrating the earth to depths that are difficult formany devices to reach
• The search coil is 35 centimeters to discover small sizesto depths of up to 3 meters greater
• The search coil is 45 centimeters and is used to detectsmall sizes such as coins up to 4 meters long
The device works with an accurate imaging program, theinformation is stored for the area that the user wants to explore and search in
In addition to the possibility of determining the locationof any target that was detected by the GPS program
For better communication and more information on the devicekindly contact us at company WhatsApp or Viber number
order your device now from Golden detector company
Mobile1: +971563592447
Mobile2: +971503380055
Visit our website for more info